November 2020

By Joseph Ametepe | November 1, 2020

Mighty and Merciful Father Majestic and Marvelous, Mighty and Merciful Father, “in whose hand is the life of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind” (Job 12:10); we are so grateful to You, for all the grace and goodness You willingly and wonderfully bestow upon us. “Who is like unto You among the…

Your Protection Is a Chief Concern for God!

By Joseph Ametepe | October 28, 2020

We Live in a Broken and Fallen World We live in a fallen, broken, evil and dangerous world. As such, nations and individuals invest a great deal of their time, talents, and treasures in making themselves secure and protected from attacks. Nations and individuals invest in cyber security to protect themselves from crippling cyber-attacks. They…

October 2020

By Joseph Ametepe | October 1, 2020

Heavenly and Everlasting Father, we give You praise and thanks for giving us life and breath and all things on this first day of the month of October in the year of our Lord 2020. We bless You because Your word declares: “My times are in Your hand.” It also says: “In Your book were…

You Are Loved!

By Joseph Ametepe | September 11, 2020

One blessed assurance our Lord Jesus had while ministering here on earth was the Father’s love for Him. He was keenly aware of the Father’s unfailing love for Him. As such, He spoke of it repeatedly, especially in John’s Gospel. John was traditionally called the “Apostle of Love.” “For the Father loves the Son, and…

Dedication of September 2020

By Joseph Ametepe | September 3, 2020

Gracious Father, we thank You for giving us life and breath and all things on this first day of September 2020. Since You already know of all that will occur in it, both the difficult and delightful ones, the heart-warming and heart-breaking ones, we gladly and gratefully dedicate it to You in the name of…

A glorious sunset over the mile high city of Denver, CO

Trust God to Give You What He’s Promised!

By Joseph Ametepe | August 4, 2020

“And it will come about when you enter the land which the LORD will give you, as He has promised, that you shall observe this rite…”(Exodus 12 :25; cf. 13:11). Just before His very last plague on Egypt, that is, the death of all the first-born in the land of Egypt, God took time to…

God Still Speaks to His Servants and Spokesmen!

By Joseph Ametepe | July 9, 2020

All throughout the Bible, God reveals Himself as a God who communicates with His servants and spokesmen. He spoke with Old Testament saints like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. He also communicated with New Testament saints like Joseph, Mary, Simeon, Peter, John, and Paul. What God spoke with…

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Prayer for the Nation

By Joseph Ametepe | July 3, 2020

Prayer for the Nation “God was moved by prayer for the land” (2 Sam. 21:14b) Acknowledging the Authority of the Word of God Heavenly Father, You are the Great and Awesome God. You are the Living and True God who has revealed Yourself to us in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, Your One…

Group of people protesting in Portland, OR

Protests And Unrest in the Land of the Free!

By Joseph Ametepe | June 27, 2020

As protests and unrest engulf the land of the free and the home of the brave, the prophet Isaiah’s prayer is appropriate and applicable. Isaiah cried out: “O LORD, be gracious to us; for we have waited for You. Be [our] strength every morning, our salvation also in the time of distress…The LORD is exalted,…

A Blessed Father’s Day to You!

By Joseph Ametepe | June 27, 2020

Believing Fathers are beloved and blessed beyond belief. This is because they have the blessed privilege and responsibility of representing the Heavenly Father on earth, reflecting His character and nature, and above all, radiating His unceasing, unchanging, unconditional, undying, unending, unfailing, unlimited, unquenchable, unrelenting, and unwavering love to their families, friends, fellow-workers, and even to…