"1. GOD Himself will be GOING ahead of you into the NEW YEAR. "The LORD is the one who GOES ahead of you" (Deuteronomy 31:8a; NASB). 2. GOD will be GOOD to you and do GOOD to you. "You [LORD] are GOOD and do GOOD" (Psalm 119:68; NASB). "God causes all things to work together for GOOD to those who love God" (Romans 8:2; NASB). 3. GOD will GIVE you what is GOOD. "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven GIVE what is GOOD to those who ask Him” (Matthew 7:11; NASB)!
to Yesuli International Ministries' website. At Yesuli International Ministries, we are dedicated to ministering to the person of God, the people of God, and the people of the world-primarily through prayer, preaching of the Word, and personal evangelism. We would like to encourage you to take advantage of the many teaching resources on our website in video, audio, and written formats.
The Blessings for February 2025 can be found here.
Please, click on this Page or Blog Post to join us in praying for the month of February 2025!

As we enter into the Brand New Year of 2025, we can be sure of one thing. The truthfulness of God's word! Unlike men, whose words are often not reliable, God and His promises to us are reliable and respectable. Scripture says of Him: "God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent; has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good (Numbers 23:19; NASB)? The expected answers to these questions are: Yes, indeed; He will do what He has said. And that, He will indeed, make good what He has spoken. God's promises are therefore the anchor for the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. His promises will never fail nor falter. As such, the believer in Jesus can be assured of these timeless promises and confidently hold onto them, especially at the beginning of the New Year. In our world of false promises and fake news, the believer in Jesus can anchor his or her life on "God's Promises to Hold on to in the New Year!"
What’s the gospel? What’s its source? Who is the subject of the gospel? What’s the success of the gospel message? Is its success defined in terms of building mega-churches to hold thousands of church-attendees? Is it in raising millions of dollars for the poor and other humanitarian causes? What’s the strength of the gospel? What’s the one secret of the gospel? These and more questions are confidently and carefully explained by Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, in his scholarly, yet Spirit-led letter to the believers in the first century Church of Rome. Please refresh your heart and your knowledge about what the gospel is really about in this teaching article entitled: “The Gospel of God”! My prayer is that, as a result of refreshing your heart and knowledge about the gospel, you will be quickened in your spirit to saturate yourself with its truths and teachings. Share and spread it with a sense of urgency, as you live it out in your life, in such a time as this.
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Yesuli International Ministries invites you to listen on your schedule to any/all messages in our Audio Library!
At Yesuli International Ministries, we are committed to adding new teaching content to our website in audio, video, and written formats. Please click the buttons below for updates.
A major part of God's calling upon my life is reaching the lost with His gospel of grace and love. God has given me a wonderful opportunity to serve Him in this area of ministry.
One of God's commands to believers in Jesus Christ is to pray for one another (James 5:16). If you have a genuine prayer request that you would like us to pray for, please
One of the greatest statements the Bible makes about prayer is that: "The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much" (James 5:16). The Lord Jesus taught that such prayer can be learned by the believer. No matter where you are, you can still join the School of Prayer to learn more about effectual prayer.
When our Lord Jesus came to earth, He preached the Word, not put on a show. He explained the truth, not entertained the crowds. He taught God's Word, not tickled itching ears. Here at Yesuli Ministries, we take the charge to preach the word seriously. We are committed to a verse by verse exposition of the Bible with passion, precision, power, and purpose. Our desire is to proclaim God's Word in a refreshing and relevant manner.
Yesuli International Ministries is a faith-based mission organization. We constantly look to the Lord of Harvest to provide for all the needs of this ministry. He is indeed a faithful provider. One of the primary ways in which God provides for this ministry is through the willing and generous giving of His believing people. If God should move your heart to give in support of His work through this ministry, please send your gifts either by using the donate button or the address below. Thank you and may the Lord richly bless you.
God Bless You.
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