"But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them" (Ephesians 2:4-10; NASB).


to Yesuli International Ministries' website. At Yesuli International Ministries, we are dedicated to ministering to the person of God, the people of God, and the people of the world-primarily through prayer, preaching of the Word, and personal evangelism. We would like to encourage you to take advantage of the many teaching resources on our website in video, audio, and written formats.

The Blessings for October 2024 can be found here.

Please, click on this Page or Blog Post to join us in praying for the month of October 2024!

October 2024 Desk Calendar and flower on brown color background.

The Bible faithfully and forcefully reveals that God has a deep passion for saving sinners. In fact, His purpose for giving us the Bible is to let people know that He loves them and wants to be in a personal saving and loving relationship with Him through faith in Jesus Christ His Son. Countless stories of saving lost sinners are preserved in His Word. Furthermore, He presented teachings in the Scripture to highlight His strong desire to save lost sinners from their life of being ruled by sin and Satan. Believers need a fresh work of the Holy Spirit to discover God’s heart for seeking and saving lost sinners and share in this divine work! Please read and gain God’s Passion for Saving Lost Sinners!

Scripture reveals that every important event in the life of the Lord Jesus found Him in earnest and effective prayer to the Father. He prayed at His baptism (Luke 3:21), fasted for forty days and forty nights after His baptism (Matthew 4:1-11). Soon after His public ministry began in earnest, the Lord Jesus rose very early in the morning to pray (Mark 1:35).  The Bible speaks of Jesus' practice of often withdrawing to lonely places and praying (Luke 5:16-20).  He spent all night in prayer before choosing the twelve apostles (Luke 6:12). But our Lord also praised the Father. Let's learn to praise the Father as Jesus did. Please learn it here: "Jesus' Praise of the Father!"

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Yesuli International Ministries invites you to listen on your schedule to any/all messages in our Audio Library!


At Yesuli International Ministries, we are committed to adding new teaching content to our website in audio, video, and written formats. Please click the buttons below for updates.

A major part of God's calling upon my life is reaching the lost with His gospel of grace and love. God has given me a wonderful opportunity to serve Him in this area of ministry.

One of God's commands to believers in Jesus Christ is to pray for one another (James 5:16).  If you have a genuine prayer request that you would like us to pray for, please

One of the greatest statements the Bible makes about prayer is that: "The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much" (James 5:16). The Lord Jesus taught that such prayer can be learned by the believer. No matter where you are, you can still join the School of Prayer to learn more about effectual prayer.

When our Lord Jesus came to earth, He preached the Word, not put on a show. He explained the truth, not entertained the crowds. He taught God's Word, not tickled itching ears. Here at Yesuli Ministries, we take the charge to preach the word seriously. We are committed to a verse by verse exposition of the Bible with passion, precision, power, and purpose. Our desire is to proclaim God's Word in a refreshing and relevant manner.

Yesuli International Ministries is a faith-based mission organization. We constantly look to the Lord of Harvest to provide for all the needs of this ministry. He is indeed a faithful provider. One of the primary ways in which God provides for this ministry is through the willing and generous giving of His believing people. If God should move your heart to give in support of His work through this ministry, please send your gifts either by using the donate button or the address below. Thank you and may the Lord richly bless you.

God Bless You.

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