Faithful and Forbearing Father
Not only that, Your Church, urgently needs You to rekindle her passion for seeking and saving the lost. Yes, she pressingly needs You to reinvigorate her enthusiasm for sharing and spreading the gospel in such a time as this. Like Paul, we pray: “Woe is me if I do not preach the gospel” (2 Corinthians 9:16b; NASB). Please Father, by Your Spirit’s power, enable us to make the most of the opportunities You give us to share Christ. More importantly, make us faithful witnesses of Christ in our day – leaving the outcome of our witness to You.
Heavenly and Holy Father
Your love [agape] for the world is selfless, not snobbish. It’s sacrificial, not showy. It’s supernatural, not superficial. Also, it’s special, not shallow. It’s steadfast and strong, not shaky and soft. Your love for the world is secure and safe, not self-doubting and shy. Indeed, Your love for Your world is sure, not suspect. It’s sound, not shady. O yes, Father, Your love [agape] always seeks Your very best for us, not Your worst for us. This is the love the world desperately needs today. And You, Father, have made this love available to all.
Patient and Perfect Father,
And now, Patient and Perfect Father, we thank You for making all things new {see Revelation 21:5).We look to You to do something new in our lives and circumstances in the NEW YEAR. For You promised: “Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth, will you not be aware of it?” (Isaiah 43:19a; NASB).
Living and Loving Father,
And now, Living and Loving Father, during this festive season of celebrating Christ’s Birth, many will be suffering and struggling! We think of the vulnerable children! Especially, those in war-torn regions, such as Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, Ukraine, and Russia. We also think of the poor widows! The homeless! The hopeless! The jobless! The shut-ins! The abandoned ones! The disenfranchised! The destitute! The downcast! We thank You for Your love for each of them! Indeed, You want the very best for them, not only in this life, but also in the life to come. That is why, in Your love, You sent Your only begotten Son into the world (see John 3:16). Therefore, open their hearts to believe in Jesus Christ. For He is Your indescribable gift to them, in this life and in the life soon to come!
Eternal and Everlasting Father,
Eternal and Everlasting Father, we sincerely thank You for giving life to all things or preserving alive all things (see 1 Timothy 6:13). We also thank You for loving us and looking out for our best interest, both in this age and in the age soon to come. Indeed, You have been our shepherd and our sustainer. And You will continue to shepherd and sustain us. Also, You have been our guide and guardian. And yes, You will continue to guide and guard us throughout our sojourn on earth. As well, You have been our provider and protector. And You will assuredly continue to provide for us and protect us. Furthermore, You have carried us and cared for us all these many years. Yes indeed, it’s our strong belief that You’ll, as well, continue to carry us and care for us all throughout November 2024.
Good and Gracious Father
We also pray for the rest of the world in this time of political turmoil and intensifying wars between nations. Indeed, Your world needs Your peace. We confess that the UN, the USA, the EU, the AU (African Union) and LAS (The League of Arab States), China or Russia cannot give this peace. This peace is found only in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, “the Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). He came and preached peace to those who were far away, and peace to those who were near (see Ephesians 2:17). And Jesus it is, who gives peace, not as the world gives (see John 14:27). And in Jesus we have peace (see John 16:33). Therefore, we pray earnestly for the people of the world to turn to Jesus in faith, to give them His peace. Yes, the peace they desperately need in their hearts in such a time as this!
Preeminent and Precious Father
Indeed, You are the God who declares the end from the beginning (see Isaiah 46:10a). As such, You know all that will be happening in September 2024 and beyond. We are confident that You will establish Your purpose for us in September 2024 without fail. That’s the very reason why we humbly and heartily dedicate September 2024 to You to accomplish what concerns us. Yes, Lord, perform what concerns Your Church for her to be a vibrant and victorious witness for Christ in our day.
Marvelous and Merciful Father
Since You are indeed the source of our life, it was You who sustained us with Your life through July 2024. In fact, You did not forsake us in the midst of the challenges and crises we faced throughout July 2024. You were present with us in them, just as You were with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace (see Daniel 3:19-27). To You be the glory and honor both now and to the day of eternity!
Good and Gracious Father
For it is written: “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16; NASB). You truly love the world, myself, included. This agape love is selfless! Sacrificial! Special! Secure! Safe! Supreme! Steadfast! Strong! Supernatural! And it always seeks Your very best for us. O loving Father, open the blind eyes and broken hearts of the world to behold and believe Your love for them!
Blessed and Best Father
Indeed, Lord of the whole earth, we confess that there is so much turmoil in our world today. Many are despairing of life. Many are fearful. Yes, many are feeling hopeless and helpless. This is because they are looking to man, in whom there is no help. We pray for the many who are fearful and are feeling hopeless and helpless.