LETTER U (April 21, 2019)


I thanked God for being Ubiquitous, Unique, Upright, the Upright One, the Umpire, for being the Undertaker who Undertakes for us, Undefeated, Undivided, the Lord of the Universe, for Undoing the work of the devil, for the Union in the Godhead,  for the Unity of the Spirit that is to be maintained in the bond of peace, for the Unity of the faith, for Uniting us with Christ, for Using us, for His Useful word, for His Unceasing, Unchanging, Unconditional, Unending, and Unfailing love, for His Unearned, Undeserved, and Unmerited favor freely bestowed on us, [for being the Undisputed King of the nations, for not wanting us to be Unfruitful].

God Bless You.