LETTER S (September 19, 2022)

By Joseph Ametepe


I thanked God for being Stone of Israel, the Shepherd of Israel,  the Self-Existing, the Self-Sufficient, the Sustainer, Sovereign and Supreme Deity of the universe, for being the Sanctifier of His people; for Jesus – the Supreme example of Selfless Service, Sacrifice, Suffering, Submission, Surrender to the will of the Father, the Son of the Most High God, the Son of God, the Son of David, the Son of Mary, the Son of Man, the Son of Joseph, the Savior of the world, the Savior and Seeker of lost sinners like myself, the Sun of Righteousness, for Summing up all things in Christ, for Sealing us in Christ with the Holy Spirit of promise; for the Spirit of God, for the Saints of God, for the Scriptures of God, for Sending His Son, for Sending His Spirit, for Sending His Saints into the world, for being our Shield, Strength, Stay, Safety, Security, Shelter, Song, Stronghold, Strong Tower, Salvation, Sanctification, for Strongly Supporting those whose heart is completely His, for Sharing in His nature, for Sharing in His Sufferings, for Surrounding us even as the mountains Surround Jerusalem, for Showing us things, for Speaking to us, for His Special and Supernatural intervention on our behalf, for His work of Separation – Separating light from darkness, Separating the Sheep from the goats; for promising that if we Seek and Search for Him with all our hearts, we will find Him.

God Bless You.