LETTER R (September18, 2022)

By Joseph Ametepe

I thanked God for being Resplendent,  our Rock, our Refuge,  the Rock of Refuge, the Rock of Israel, the Rock of Ages, our Redeemer, the Redeemer of Israel, our Restorer, the Restorer of Israel, our Rear Guard, for being the One to be Revered, Respected and highly Regarded, for being the Ruler, the Ruler of the nations, the Ruler of the kings of the earth, for being Righteous, the Righteous One, the Righteous One of Jacob, the Righteous One of Israel, the Revealer of secrets, for Jesus – the Root of Jesse, for Rearing us up, for His Reminders, for Remembering us an acting graciously on our behalf, for Registering and Recording our names in the Book of Life,  for Removing our sins from us, as far us the east is from the west, for His gift of Repentance, for not wanting us to Resist Him or Run away from Him, for making Room for us to grow, for being our Righteousness, our Redemption, for His Rest, Renewal, Revival, Restoration, Refreshment and Replenishment, for the Rejection of Christ that brought about our Reception into His family, for His Rule and Reign.

God Bless You.