LETTER I (September 9, 2022)

By Joseph Ametepe

I thanked God for being the I AM WHO  I AM, for being Immutable, for the saying of Christ, “Before Abraham was I AM,” for being Impartial,  Immortal, Invisible, Indivisible, our Inheritance, that there is no Impurity or Imperfection in Him, for being Indefatigable, Indomitable, Independent, for being our Inheritance and for the Inheritance reserved in heaven for us, for being the God of the Impossible – that is, nothing is Impossible for Him; for Jesus – our Immanuel, the Indescribable gift of God; for the In-filling of the and Indwelling Holy Spirit; for His Ingenuity, Invitation, Investment, Involvement and Interest in us, for His Illumination, Instruction, Interpretation, Inspiration of the scriptures, Intercession on our behalf,  for the Increase and the Improvement He gives us, for His Ingenuity, for the I AM sayings of Jesus: “I AM the door of the sheep,” “I AM the Good Shepherd,” “I AM the bread of life,” “I AM the resurrection and the life.”

God Bless You.