LETTER E (September 5, 2022)

By Joseph Ametepe


I thanked God for being the Exalted One, the Expected One, the Examiner of the heart, Excellent, Elohim, Elohe-Yisrael, the Eternal and Everlasting God, El-Elyon, El-Bethel, El-Shaddai, for being Everywhere, for knowing Everything; for Jesus - the End, our Emmanuel, the Expected One; for Endurance, for His Exaltation of us, for His Explanation, Enlightenment, Enablement, Endowment, Empowerment, for His Energy and Efforts Expended on our behalf, for Effective, Effectual, Earnest prayer, for Effectually working for us in our service, for the Experiences we have on Earth, for Extending His kindness toward us, and Exercising His love for us,  for Establishing us in His service, for the privilege of Extolling and Exulting in Him.

God Bless You.