Marvelous and Merciful Father

Marvelous and Merciful Father, we are thrilled and thankful for ushering us into the new month of August 2024! We humbly and honestly acknowledge that our life-breath and all our ways are in Your hand (see Daniel 5:23b). Without You, there will be no life for us. Period! Indeed, You are the source of our life; a truth we often fail to affirm. However, our senses are awakened to affirm it, when we’re faced with life-threatening circumstances. This should not be the case. Father, we are deeply sorry for not consistently affirming that You are indeed, the source of our life on earth.

You are indeed the source of our life

Since You are indeed the source of our life, it was You who sustained us with Your life through July 2024. In fact, You did not forsake us in the midst of the challenges and crises we faced throughout July 2024. You were present with us in them, just as You were with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace (see Daniel 3:19-27). To You be the glory and honor both now and to the day of eternity!

You are in charge of the affairs of the nations

Indeed, You are in charge of the affairs of the nations and of our individual lives. Yes, You are the One who is directing the course of human history on earth. And You will bring it to an end exactly as You have predicted in Your word.  You will not fail in this. Of a truth, the events which unfolded in July 2024, (including the assassination attempt on former US President Donald Trump, US President Joe Biden’s decision not to seek re-election) were a reminder that “it is Heaven that rules” (Daniel 4:26b).

Marvelous and Merciful Father, Your word affirms this truth

In fact, Marvelous and Merciful Father, Your word affirms this truth.  For it declares that: “The Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind, and bestows it on whom He wishes” (Daniel 4:17b; NASB). We believe that the events happening in the nations in these days are not at all a surprise to You. They are happening because You have either sovereignly predestined them or permitted them. Yes, “Our God is in the heavens; He does whatever He pleases” (Psalm 115:3; NASB).

You are fully in control

As such, Your believing children can take heart – knowing that You are fully in control. Indeed, the times in which we live are very troubling and tumultuous. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, floods, hurricanes and wars are destroying human lives and lands. Moreover, protests and demonstrations have been daily occurrences in Kenya, Bangladesh, Israel, and in other nations. People are fed up with “business as usual” in their governments. Many are deeply distressed, disturbed and displeased with corruption in their governments. They want to be heard. They no longer want to be held captive by the corrupt politicians who run their countries.

Many in the nations are weighed down

Undeniably, many in the nations are weighed down. They see no way out of their present predicament. Their hope for a better life is gradually being abandoned. Father, in the midst of this hopeless and helpless situation, You want Your believing children to shine as beacons of hope. During a time of being storm-tossed, when neither sun nor stars appeared for many days, You encouraged Paul (see Acts 27:18-23).

You encouraged him to be an encourager

As a matter of fact, Marvelous and Merciful Father, You encouraged him to be an encourager of the hopeless.  Your word vividly records Paul’s encouragement of his fellow storm-tossed travelers after Your personal encouragement of him. His encouragement of them reads: “Therefore, keep up your courage, men, for I believe God that it will turn out exactly as I have been told” (Acts 27:25; NASB).  Oh what confidence and conviction of heart Paul demonstrated in his encouragement of his fellow stormed-tossed travelers! Today, we are also in desperate need of Your personal encouragement in order to encourage our fellow storm-tossed sojourners on earth. 

Father, personally encourage Your believing children today

Therefore, Father, personally encourage Your believing children today to be encouragers in such a time as this. In fact, Your word commands us to “encourage one another” (1 Thessalonians 5:11a; NASB).  From Paul’s experience and this command, it’s expected of us that our ministry of encouragement must reach unbelievers and believers alike.

We are confident that You will personally encourage us

Since we are confident that You will personally encourage us to be encouragers of others, we dedicate August 2024 to You. Please Father, accomplish what concerns our families, friends, and us in August 2024. Also, please carry out what concerns the nation of Israel – Your chosen people for Your own possession (see Deuteronomy 7:6). As well, perform what concerns Your Church – Your called-out people. We also dedicate August 2024 to You to bring about all Your good purposes for Your world. A world, that’s made up of all the countries and coastlands of the nations.

Marvelous and Merciful Father,…You will answer us

Marvelous and Merciful Father, we pray to You with confident expectation that You will answer us. We stand on Your promises to us to answer our prayers. “He will call upon Me, and I will answer him” (Psalm 91:15a; NASB). “It will also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24; NASB). “This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him” (1 John 5:14-15; NASB).

We pray for the nation of Israel

Having been greatly strengthened in faith by Your promises to answer us, we pray for the nation of Israel. Your people Israel are currently embroiled in conflicts with Hamas of Gaza, Hezbollah of Lebanon, and the Houthis of Yemen. Hostile Iran may soon join the conflict. According to Your word: “The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but victory belongs to the LORD” (Proverbs 21:31; NASB). It also says: “Some boast in chariots, some in horses, but we will boast in the name of the LORD, our God” (Psalm 20:7; NASB). We acknowledge that Israel cannot obtain victory in all their conflicts by relying on their military might. The only way Israel can be victorious in their conflicts with their enemies is through total dependence on You, the LORD their God.

We pray that the nation of Israel will humble themselves before You

Therefore, we pray that the nation of Israel, will humble themselves before You – recognizing their desperate need of You. We also pray that they will earnestly seek Your face and turn from their wicked ways. For the promise You gave them in the days of Solomon still holds. “If I send pestilence among My people, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:13b-14; NASB)

You are a promise-keeper

Indeed, Marvelous and Merciful Father, You are so eager to once again prove to Israel that You are a promise-keeper. Often, politicians, presidents, prime ministers and other prominent leaders make mouth-watering promises to us. But time and time again, they fail to keep them. But You always keep Your promises. For Your word cannot fail. It cannot fall to the ground. No, it cannot falter. It will always be fulfilled at Your appointed time.

We pray for a fresh work of Your Holy Spirit

As such, we pray for a fresh work of Your Holy Spirit in the nation of Israel, to turn wholeheartedly to You. We also pray that they will trust fully in You alone! Take You truly at Your word! And tremble at Your word! For You said: “But to this one I will look, to him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word” (Isaiah 66:2b; NASB).

O LORD, we pray for the rest of the nations of the world

And now, O LORD, we pray for the rest of the nations of the world. Your word reveals that You are the Supreme and Sovereign Judge of the nations. Indeed, in ancient times, You determined when, why, and how to judge nations who were guilty before You. You also determined what the outcome of Your judgment of them would be (see Amos 1-4). Since You’re the same yesterday and today and forever (see Hebrews 13:8), You will most assuredly judge nations that are guilty before You. Indeed, today, many of the nations of the world, have turned their back to You, and not their face (see Jeremiah 32:33). As such, they are guilty before You and are ripe for judgment.

O Sovereign Judge, Your judgments are always righteous

O Sovereign Judge, Your judgments are always righteous! The only thing that can stave off Your righteous judgment among guilty and godless nations is genuine repentance. When You threatened to judge the wicked people of Nineveh, only one thing averted Your righteous judgment of them. It was their true repentance. Everyone, from the greatest to the least of them genuinely turned away from his wicked ways. Seeing this, You relented of the calamity You had purposed to bring upon them (see Jonah 3:1-10).

We pray for Your Spirit’s work of convicting the nations

Therefore, Marvelous and Merciful Father, we pray for Your Spirit’s work of convicting the nations of their sins. Also, we earnestly pray for them to see their need for turning away from their sins. May Your Holy Spirit do a gracious work in their hearts! Yes, His gracious work in them, to embrace the truth that; You take no pleasure in the death of the wicked (whether he is a Jew or a Gentile from Palestine or Portugal, Iran or India, United States of America (USA) or United Arab Emirates (UAE)). But rather that the wicked turn from his way and live (see Ezekiel 33:11; cf. 18:23, 32). O Merciful Father, grant them “the repentance that leads to life” (Acts11:18; NASB) upon hearing Your message of life and salvation! Indeed, the world desperately needs to hear and heed Your message of life and salvation in Jesus Christ alone.

We now pray for her

Since, O Father, the message of life and salvation has been entrusted to Your Church, we now pray for her. Please send Your laborers into Your harvest of souls, for You are the Lord of the harvest (see Matthew 9:38). Stir up a fresh passion in the hearts of genuine born-again believers for the salvation of those who are without Christ (see 1 Corinthians 9:16)! Sustain pastors and teachers for the equipping of the saints for this urgent work (see Ephesians 4:11-12) in such a time as this!

Lord of the harvest, shield Your missionaries

Also, Lord of the harvest, shield Your missionaries, messengers and ministers who carry the gospel to “closed countries!” Surround them in their work of spreading the gospel, even as the mountains surround Jerusalem (see Psalm 125:2)! Strengthen them in Your power to press on in the face of enemy opposition and persecution (see Acts 11:19-21)!  Save them from the lion’s mouth (see 2 Timothy 4:17)! Please show them where to go and where not go to in their work of sharing the gospel as You did for Paul and his team (see Acts 16:6-13)! Above all, save those who are without Christ, through their work and those of other believers! We pray all this, in the blessed and beloved name of Jesus Christ, Your Son and our Savior! Amen!

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Joseph Ametepe

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