LETTER A (September 1, 2022)

By Joseph Ametepe


I thanked my God for being, Above All, our All in All, Ageless, the Ancient of Days, the prayer Answering God, for being Approachable, Available, Accessible, the Architect of the city of God, the Almighty, the Awesome God, the One to be Adored, Admired, and Appreciated, Abba Father, the Avenger, Awesome in Holiness, the God of Anger; for Jesus - our Advocate, the Alpha, the Anointed One, the Ascended One; for being Attentive to us,  for Allowing us to question Him,  for the privilege of Asking, for His Additions, Acceptance of us, Accomplishments, Achievements, Availability, Accessibility, for the Attainment of His righteousness by faith alone in Christ alone, for  His Approval to be entrusted with the gospel; His Appointment of me into His service, His Assurances, Affirmations,  for Appealing to us, His Appearance,  for His Anointing, His Ascension, for His Acceptance of me in Christ.

God Bless You.