By Joseph Ametepe

The Epistle to the Colossians, along with Ephesians, Philippians and Philemon are known as the Prison Epistles. This is because they were written by Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit during his first Roman imprisonment (see Acts 28:16-31), sometime between A. D. 60-62.  Prominent in the message of the Prison Epistle to the Colossians is the declaration of the absolute deity of the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. In Colossians, the preeminence of the Lord Jesus is clearly and convincingly stated. He has first place in everything. He is the Head of the church. He is the believer's hope. Jesus Christ is the believer's true object of faith. It is therefore important for us to see Jesus as He is revealed in Colossians. "Open our eyes, Lord, we want to see Jesus in all His preeminence and know Him better, and make Him known," is our prayer!

Jesus in Colossians Chapter 1

  1. Jesus Christ is the One by whose will alone a servant is selected for His service (1:1).
  2. Jesus Christ is the Lord of believers (1:3).
  3. Jesus Christ is the believers' true object of faith (1:4).
  4. Jesus the Lord is the believer's model of living a life that pleases God (1:10).
  5. Jesus Christ is God's Beloved Son into whose kingdom repentant sinners have been transferred after their rescue from Satan's domain (1:13).
  6. Jesus Christ is the One in whom alone believers have redemption (1:14).
  7. Jesus Christ frees believing sinners from the slavery of sin (1:14).
  8. Jesus Christ freely and fully forgives repentant sinners (1:14).
  9. Jesus Christ is the image of the invisible God (1:15).
  10. Jesus Christ is the perfect image-the exact likeness of God (1:15).
  11. Jesus Christ is the Firstborn over all creation, that is, He existed before the creation and is exalted in rank above it. In other words, Jesus is the Head of the Universe (1:15).
  12. Jesus Christ is the One by whom and through whom all things were created. In other words, Jesus is the Agent of creation (1:16).
  13. Jesus Christ is the One for whom all things have been created. That is, Jesus is the Lord of creation (1:16).
  14. Jesus Christ is before all things (1:17).
  15. Jesus Christ the supreme sustainer of all things (1:17).
  16. Jesus Christ is the Head of the Body, the Church  (1:18).
  17. Jesus Christ is the Beginning (1:18).
  18. Jesus Christ is the Firstborn for the dead (1:18).
  19. Jesus Christ is the Preeminent One. Jesus alone has first place in everything (1:18).
  20. Jesus Christ is the One in whom the fullness of deity dwells (1:19).
  21. Jesus Christ is God's Sole Agent of reconciling repentant sinners to Himself and ultimately all things (1:20).
  22. Jesus Christ is the One through whose shed blood on the cross God ended enmity with those He saved (1:20).
  23. Jesus Christ's bodily and substitutionary death on the cross paved the way for reconciliation of repentant sinners to God (1:22).
  24. Jesus Christ's reconciling death on the cross makes it possible for believers to be presented before God holy and blameless and beyond reproach. Hallelujah! (1:22).
  25. Jesus Christ in the believer, is the believer's hope of future glory (1:27).
  26. Jesus Christ is the One in whom every believer will be presented complete or perfect (1:28).

Jesus in Colossians  Chapter 2

  1. Jesus Christ Himself is the true knowledge of God's mystery  (2:2).
  2. Jesus Christ is the One in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (2:3).
  3. Jesus Christ is the believers' true object of faith ( 2:9).
  4. Jesus Christ is the Lord (2:6).
  5. Jesus Christ the Lord is the One after whom believers are to pattern their lives (2:6).
  6. Jesus Christ the Lord is the One in whom Christians are rooted and built up (2:7).
  7. Jesus Christ and His teachings, not the tradition of men, should be the believers' anchor in life (2:8).
  8. Jesus Christ is the One in whom all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form (2:9).
  9. Jesus Christ is the One in whom believers are made complete or have been given fullness. To say it another way, Jesus Christ is the One in whom the Christian has all that is needed for life and godliness (2:10).
  10. Jesus Christ is the Head over all rule and authority (2:10).
  11. Jesus Christ is the One in whom believers undergo a "spiritual circumcision" in the putting off of the sinful nature  (2:11).
  12. Jesus Christ is the One with whom Christians become associated in His death, burial and resurrection, typified at our baptism (2:12).
  13. Jesus Christ was raised from the dead by God the Father (2:12).
  14. Jesus Christ is the One through whom those who are hopelessly dead in their sins, that is, spiritually dead toward God, can receive eternal life (2:13).
  15. Jesus Christ is the One in whom there is forgiveness for guilty sinners who put their faith in Him (2:13).
  16. Jesus Christ's sacrificial death on the cross made it possible for God to totally erase the certificate of wretched sinners' indebtedness to God (2:14).
  17. Jesus Christ's death on the cross paid the penalty in the place of guilty sinners, thus satisfying the just wrath of God against crimes requiring full punishment (2:14).
  18. Jesus Christ's death, resurrection and ascension led to His overwhelming victory over evil powers and principalities (2:15).
  19. Jesus Christ, by His cross, triumphed over the devil and his demonic hosts. Hallelujah! (2:15).
  20. Jesus Christ is the One to whom all the the mere shadows of the Jewish religious observations, such as dietary regulations, festivals, sacrifices, etc., point (2:16-19).
  21. Jesus Christ, the Head, is the One in whom Christians should find all their satisfaction and sufficiency, and not be enticed by the conceited arguments of legalists (2:18-19).

Jesus in Colossians  Chapter 3

  1.  Jesus Christ's resurrection means believers have been raised up with Him to a new life (3:1).
  2. Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of God, a position of honor and majesty (3:1).
  3.  Jesus Christ's death means believers are identified and united with Him in death (3:3).
  4. Jesus Christ is the One with whom believers' new life is hidden in God (3:3).
  5. Jesus Christ is the Christians' new life (3:3).
  6. Jesus Christ, who is the Christians' new life, is coming again, at which time Christians will appear with Him in glory. Hallelujah! (3:4).
  7. Jesus Christ is all, and in all, that is, Christ is the One who really counts. He is the all-sufficient Lord of all believers. He is everything to the Christian and in everything. Christ Jesus is the center and circumference of the Christian's new life (3:11).
  8. Jesus Christ is the model of forgiveness for believers to emulate in forgiving others who wrong them (3:13).
  9. Jesus Christ's peace should act as an arbiter in the hearts of believers (3:15).
  10. Jesus Christ's word (the word of Christ), that is, the Holy Spirit-inspired Scripture should abundantly be at home in the believer's heart and life (3:16).
  11. Jesus Christ, who He is and what He wants, should be the believers' consistent way of living (3:17).
  12. Jesus is Lord (3:17).
  13. Jesus Christ is the One through whom believers give thanks to God the Father (3:17).
  14. Jesus' Lordship is to be submitted to in all relationships [Lord is mentioned six times in 3:18-24] (3:18-24).

Jesus in Colossians  Chapter 4

  1. Jesus Christ is the Master who is above all and sees all that is done to the lowliest of His children  (4:1).
  2. Jesus Christ's mystery, that is, the good news, is to be declared (4:3).
  3. Jesus Christ is Lord who is to be served faithfully  (4:7).
  4. Jesus Christ is the One in whom the believer's will is altogether consumed, and is therefore owned by Him body and soul [derived from the meaning of doulos- Greek for bondslave or bond-servant: one who is in permanent relation of servitude to another, his will altogether consumed in the will of another] ( 4:12).
  5. Jesus the Lord is the One who gives His servant a ministry to fulfill ( 4:17).

  • Jesus Christ is the central figure in the Bible. He is the focus of all Scripture. To study the Bible without seeing Jesus as He is revealed in the Word of God and knowing Him in a deeper and more intimate way, is a failure of the purpose of true biblical study. We do not merely study the Bible just to get answers or facts. We study the Bible in order to grow in the grace and true, intimate, real, full knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. (2 Peter 3:18). As you study the Word, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the Person of Jesus Christ to you. He will be so delighted to do that. This is because His chief work is to glorify Jesus (John 16:14). And what better way to glorify Christ our Lord than to reveal Him to us in our hearts!

God Bless You.