By Joseph Ametepe

"He led you through the great and terrible wilderness, with its fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty ground where there was no water; He provided water for you out the rock of flint" (Deuteronomy 8:15).

This verse teaches us two biblical principles. First, God guides His people into His purposes for their lives. Second, God provides the needs of His people. Both of these principles should be an encouragement for the believer in Jesus Christ. Christians can count on God Almighty, revealed in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, to guide them into His plan for their lives. Life in the wilderness for the sons of Israel was treacherous. There were fiery serpents and scorpions whose bite and sting could be dangerous if not fatal. But God carefully and lovingly led His people from danger and death. Life in this world is dangerous as well. There is Satan, the serpent of old, whose goal is to oppose God's plan for His people.

There is the world system which threatens to lure believers from following God's principles and pursuing God's purposes. But the believer can rest assured that God's Spirit living in him will guide him through the treacherous terrain of this world. In fact, this world is not our home. We are passing through to the Celestial City of God. We must trust God to lead us to His heavenly home. We can trust Him to provide all the guidance we need to reach our fullest potential in this world. We can count on God to lead to His "Promised Land" for our lives, even as He did for the Israelites thousands of years ago. We can believe that God will not fail in directing our steps into His purposes for our lives. Look to Him today! Lean on Him today!. Learn to wait on Him! Why? Our God is willing and ready to lead His people into His purposes for their lives. This is a blessed privilege we enjoy as believers in Jesus Christ! The people of the world do not have this privilege.

God Bless You.